Opinion corner (3th term)

Question: Imagine you could choose to have a supernatural gift. What would you choose and why?
Opinion: I would choose to read the thought of the people because I will know what to think about me.

Question: If you could be invisible for a day, what you do and why?
Opinion: If I could be invisible, I would like do a tricks to people because I amb a funny people. Moreover, I would like listen the conversation the other people because I amb a little gossip person too. 

Question: What would you do and how would you feel if you were mugged in the middle of the street? Explain.
Opinion: I felt very nervious and frightened and when I react, I will go to the police station. 

Question: Would you like to attend a single-sex school? Explain.
Opinion: No, because I think that it is very discriminated. 

Question:  If you had to take a person to a first date, what would you organize?
Opinion: In my first date, I would go to the restaurant and later, I would go to the cinema to see a romantic film. 

Question: Do you believe we have free will? Do we really make our own choices or are we influenced by other factors (society, friends, family, people in authority...). In your opinion, what factors influence the way you think and behave?
Opinion: I think that we have free will, but the parents, that they are the most important for me, they will help me always and make my decisions too. 

Question: What is the worst T.V. show you have seen? Explain.
Opinion: "Gandia Shore" and all TV show programs because I don't like it.

Question: Unmarried couples should have the same rights as married couples. Give your opinion.
Opinion: I think that both must have  the same rights because it is not necessary to get married to another person if you don't want.

Question: If you were on holidays and you met someone you would never see again, would you invent stories to make yourself more interesting? Explain.
Opinion: No, I think my life is enough interesting I needn't to invent anything.

Question: If you could be somewhere else at this moment, where would you be and what would you be doing?
Opinion: I would like be in Ibiza and I would like go to the beach and go party. 

Question: If you were an animal, which one would you like to be? Why?
Opinion: I would like be dog, because they do nothing all day. 

Question: Tell me something your family does (parents, brother, sister,...) which really annoys you. 
Opinion: When my father look at my PC to see what I'm doing.

Question: Are you interested in politics? Why? Why not?
Opinion: Yes, I'm very interested in politics because I think politics can and must improve somehow

Question: Are you addicted to anything? Explain.
Opinion: I haven't any addiction, but I follow a lot of TV series

QuestionWhat's the first book you can remember reading?
Opinion: I can't remember the first book I read, but I liked very much "Mecanoscrit del segon origen" which I read the first year of high school

Question: Imagine your son/daughter is lying all day long in the sofa and refuses to do any homework or house chores. What would you do?
Opinion: Probably I would start to send requests to his friends in Facebook, I know that this would be effective. 

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