dimarts, 12 de novembre del 2013


My grandfather was born in Ascó on 17th January 1920. He went to school in the same village but an early age he had to help his parents working on the countryside. He had a brother older than him.

Many years later he met my grandmother, Carme. She was the blacksmith’s daughter. They fell in love but the Civil War arrived and my grandfather had to go at fight. My grandmother and her family went to live to the countryside because it was dangerous to live in the town because of the bombs.
My grandmother told me that there were a lot of bombs going from one side of the river to the other, it was “ La Batalla de l’Ebre”, the hardest battle of the Spain’s Civil War. When they lost the battle, my grandfather and his brother were captured. He could escape but his brother was sent to France and was killed at the frontier.
Soon afterwards he married with my grandmother and had two children.

Recently he has celebrated his 93th birthday.

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