dimarts, 12 de novembre del 2013


People like travelling and visiting a lot of places, making the luggage and searching online offers, too. Everyone loves travelling!
In my opinion, travelling is very interesting, because you can discover the lifestyle of a lot of countries. When you travel you meet new people and their customs and culture.  I think that if you spend your holidays in one place you’ll be bored; going on holidays to lots places is funnier.

My first trip was to Africa in 2008. It is a very different country from ours because African people have not got anything. Children work very hard to eat, they do not go to school and they have not got toys. I was astonished because a lot of people lived in really bad conditions!
In this travel, I realized that we live very well and Europe’s people live better than Africans.

Since that trip, I love it! Travelling is an amazing experience for me! 

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